
Tarayıcıda açık olan web sitesinin istenilen kelimedeki Google konumunu görmeye yarayan Chrome eklentisi.
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AdSPY allows you to collect, save & hunt trending ads automatically from your facebook news feed.
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Search Plus is a powerful search engine, offering you a variety of unique features and search tools.
Translator Pro shows you not only translation of a word, but explanation of word's meaning as well.
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The Virtual Assistant can do a lot of tasks like: actual weather, information searching in the web and many other things...
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Trova i testi, le traduzioni e i tuoi artisti preferiti su Airdave.it. Scopri i trend del momento e tante news dal mondo musicale.
Search music straight from your address bar! Just type in "smartmusic", than press TAB and type in artist or song name.
Herramienta para la identificación de obras en CEDRO para su denuncia u obtención de licencias de uso.
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Add a context menu option to selected text and search in wscaduniverse.com by this text.
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An open distributed search engine for science
Removes Amazon tags, item names, and refs from links
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Automatically open Search tools on Google.
Stay up to date with all the latest Hammers news when you launch your browser with the West Ham United New Tab extension.
Easy to use and powerfull English To English dictionary. Including phonetics, synonyms and example for learning new words deeply.
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