9月5日,Daniel Mac发布了一则短视频,采访对象是负责苹果公司采购业务的副总裁Tony Blevins。 谁也没想到,因为这短短25秒的视频,这位苹果副总裁的职业生涯就这样被断送了。
借助PageSpeed Insight and CheckList插件,可以对网站速度进行分析,并获取结果建议。
近日,微软的软件工程师 @夏睿Harry 在微博上爆出,自己的Instagram和Netflix接连被盗号。
Q. Does Google Chrome on the computer have any controls like Safari for stopping ads and videos that start automatically? Preferably, without having to install a browser extension or some other program that wants permission to look at my surfing.
Britannica Insights  helps searchers cut through the clutter, save time, learn more, be sure about their results.
Chrome: The PriceWaiter extension—a name-your-own price system that almost sounds too good to be true at first—is only available for Chrome right now. (Sorry, Firefox users.) And when you install the extension, you'll probably notice... absolutely nothing, at least at first.
Microsoft is buying Github, and you need to honor that, so install Github XP right now.
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