“google chrome”相关的搜索结果
Zoom for google chrome是一个用于放大或缩小网页的浏览器插件。
EditThisCookie是一款针对Google Chrome浏览器的Cookie管理器插件。
谷歌已经确认最近Google Chrome的更新是用来修补流行浏览器中的0day漏洞,这是一种可被用于主动攻击的漏洞。
Q. Does Google Chrome on the computer have any controls like Safari for stopping ads and videos that start automatically? Preferably, without having to install a browser extension or some other program that wants permission to look at my surfing.
Chrome: The PriceWaiter extension—a name-your-own price system that almost sounds too good to be true at first—is only available for Chrome right now. (Sorry, Firefox users.) And when you install the extension, you'll probably notice... absolutely nothing, at least at first.
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