将您所有的想法和经验保存在 Evernote 中,然后通过任一台电脑和手机即可访问。
Note Popup is the simplest way to edit and add notes to your Evernote account
Attach and share files effortlessly from OneDrive, Dropbox, Box, Google Drive, Evernote and many more.
Bring the power of Evernote to Google Calendar.
Realtime coediting in Gmail and Evernote, just like Google Docs
EverShort provides keyboard shortcuts to EverNote.
Easily Synchronize Google Calendar with Evernote
The Clip PDF to Evernote extension clips PDF opened in current tab and sends it to your Evernote account.
Highlight text with any color; sort tables, lists and checklists; set any font size, justify text.
An alternative implementation of the tinyMCE WYSIWYG editor for the Evernote web client.
Store a recipe from recipe sites to Evernote in pretty format
This is the Saferoom extension to decrypt Evernote notes on the fly
Reflect makes it easy to remember the important stuff in your Evernote account
Push & Paste is a extension which enables you to sent Evernote text memo to your iPhone quickly.
Highlight text in Evernote Web with any color using shortcut "Ctrl (Control on macOS) + Shift + h".
Get auto suggestions in English or Spanish in Evernote or Dropbox Paper.
Shows word and characters count on Evernote Web, and shows advanced text info on any selected text (context menu).
Keyboard shortcuts for the new Evernote UI
NoteSearch lets you quickly search and access your notes stored in Evernote® directly from your browser's search bar.
open evernote link url on evernote app
Chrome extension that checks whether you have this url in your notes or not

LeeL Blog

Blog for free using Evernote and Github.
Extension to send selected texts to Evernote
Count words and characters at Reddit and Evernote
Still trying to remember which tags to add to your notes? Let Tuskify Tagger do it for you!
Quickly Add All of your Chrome Bookmarks to Evernote's Boookmark Service!
Turns your favorite Evernote tags into stickers.
Use markdown to edit and create notes in Evernote
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