Join the digital resistance movement against ads!
An adblocker
This ad blocker blocks banners, pop-ups and all kinds of ads on websites, including video ads on Youtube, Crunchyroll, etc.
Adblocker fast, effective and easy to use.
Free adblocker against advertising and pop-ups, for youtube and other popular video websites
The perfect AdBlocker for streaming
Lightweight protection from ads
Hide annoying ads on youtube and other popular video services
Effortless ad blocking and content filtering
Filter out ads, no exceptions
Adtrooper fights ads and protects your browsing experience
Adblocker for YouTube™ automatically blocks all ads on YouTube™
Hola ad remover is a free adblocker that blocks annoying ads, malware and tracking..
Removes all annoying ads and banners from YouTube!
Free Adblock that blocks all annoying ads from YouTube. Completely redesigned to enjoy YouTube without ads and at maximum speed.
Ad Blocker for safe Internet browsing
The latest adblock with the best features from the most popular adblocks. Easy on CPU and memory.
Block all Facebook ™ Ads! Super simple to use, light & FAST. This adblocker removes FB NewsFeed ads, Sidebar ads & Sponsored Posts.
Bypasses adblock detectors to allow you to continue using adblockers
World Class Adblocker! Simple, effective and easy on CPU and memory resources. FREE!
Watch all of the videos – but none of the ads! (...even on sites which block adblockers)
Best Ad blocker for Youtube™, we block all ads, text & banner ads, video ads. Save your time by removing those ads.
This adblocker blocks ads on youtube, forbes, businessinsider and many other websites while remaining undetected.
Unstoppable adblocker
Adblocker for YOUTUBE™, Hotstar, Sonyliv and also blocks display ads on all pages
Monetize your time while you are browsing the web.
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