Convert image to base64
Convert image to base64 for markdown or other purpose https://github.com/Arryboom/img2base64
Smart base64 converter tool for lazy developers.
Mindon Jellet - Javascript Encryption Gadget (BASE64, MD5, DES, AES, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512, PBKDF2, RIPEMD-160, XXTEA)
Convert images to base64 data URIs
A base64 encoder/decoder extensions for the chrome
Instantly converts an image to its Base64 string value and copies it to the clipboard.
Markit On Demand Tools for Chrome
Convert SVG to Base64.
This extension can convert base64 string to image.
Base64 encode and decode.
To use, type 'b64' plus a base64-encoded url in your search box. Visit base64-encoded URLs as if they were plain-text!
Decodes base64 string to and from array of bytes or ASCII string
Adds Base64 decode button to message actions.
Decode a base64 URL (even encoded twice) and open it in the tab to the right.
Base64 Encoder Decoder, based on contextMenu, with in-place html text replacement.
Convertitore Immagine gif, jpg, bmp e png in una stringa Base64.
Data URI schemeがどんな画像なのか、のような文字列から目で見て分かる画像を生成し確認できる拡張機能です。
ClipToBase64 enable developers to quickly convert clipboard image to base64 strings.
Encode & Decode Base64
Encode text into base64 and base64 into text
This extension allows to copy text with images to clipboard and paste it to external editors. Images are converted to Base64 format.
encode or decode strings using Base64 / Md5 / URIEncode etc.
A simple helper to convert between string and base64.
Encode Picture with Base64. Ext: 1. Undirect in google search. 2. Google search "g<TAB>". 3. Collect image url via API
A simple Google Chrome extension to encode and decode base64 strings.
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