Controls the speed for online streaming for Netflix, Amazon Prime, Youtube, Twitch, Reddit and ALL others.
Redditor best friend. Enhancement Suite and Sidebar for Reddit and Subreddit. Lite, Mini and Light version for Chrome.
Reddit Comments for YouTube
Highlight unread comments since your last visit to a Reddit comment section.
Simple flat dark grey theme for Reddit..
Shows edited or deleted Reddit comments when clicked
Save a cached copy of the current reddit page you're viewing to preserve comments in case they're deleted.
This extension enhances the experience on the /r/GlobalOffensiveTrade subreddit.
Switch between viewing content on reddit and reveddit.
View Images on Reddit without the need to open new tabs or click away. 100% SPAM Free.
Restores edited, deleted and removed posts and comments on Reddit
Sometimes you browse reddit at work. We get it... we do it too. But randomly clicking a NSFW post isn't worth getting fired over...
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