Add captions to any video or movie on Netflix, Youtube or other platforms.
Save Captions and Transcription From Google Meet and Zoom.
Show subtitles in two languages on Youtube & Netflix
Record Google Meet captions, chat messages, and screenshots to Google Docs.
This extension will activate the auto-translate feature of YouTube™ automatically, even if it's not available in the menu.
This extension lets you speed up and download captions from a JW video
Downloads O'Reilly videos, as well as captions.
This extension allows you to download captions data from Youtube. You can download captions data in multiple file formats.
Get instant access to YouTube's automatic captions. Transcribe/caption in DIY Captions, TranscriptionPad, Amara, or oTranscribe.
It's like 'ctrl + f' (or 'cmd + f'), but for YouTube
Connect Web Captioner to a native application running on this network. Currently supports sending captions to vMix.
Filters profanity and other user-defined words on Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, Disney+, and more using closed captions.
Get image captions for all images by right-clicking them
Dual subtitles with AI-enabled translations
Create Instagram repost with automatic captions for scheduling with Later.com extension.
Create and upload community captions for YouTube videos (and more) with this easy to use extension that supports SSA/ASS rendering.
Adds pinyin captions above Chinese Hanzi script
Get transcripts, captions and subtitles for YouTube videos and download them as CSV, SRT or text file. Unlimited and free of charge.
Save live caption transcripts from Google Meet
Live stream speech-to-text captions between users across browsers. Use this extension to show Textify captions in any browser tab.
(Experimental) This extension blocks YouTube content based on profanity. Closed Captions must be available for the video.
Get Instagram Extension Kit to automate your Instagram likes, store your favorite hashtags & captions, download photos/videos,& more
Provide routes to send live captions to analytics servers.
This extension allows you to download captions data from Youtube. You can download captions data in multiple file formats.


Speak lets you use speech-to-text to provide live captions for presentations
Skips through YouTube in-video sponsored segments by comparing closed captions against defined trigger words.
Find a certain word in YouTube captions
Add search functionality to the YouTube video player for videos with closed captions
Add closed captions to Echo360 lectures!
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