Watch Twitch stream with the chat below the video in a vertical orientation with the ability to resize them.
This extension one-click resizes your window to the typical size of a fullscreen Chromebook. It is very simple.
Resize windows in Google Keep
Resize browser window to Bootstrap sizes like col-lg col-md etc..
Image Resizer Online is a fast image resizer.
Simple browser resize
Resize browser's window to mobile, desktion or custom sizes
Youtube thumbnail resizer brings back 6 thumbnails in row instead of 4
Adds removed window size label on top right corner when page is beeing resized
Tinybeest makes it ridiculously simple to convert, resize, and optimize images
Resize and move your youtube video to make it fit your screen
Resize YouTube videos to fill the entire browser window.
Chrome window resizer
Resize browser windows to test layouts on different resolutions with multi-window support.
Resize the current window into different customizable layouts (Multiple monitors are supported).
Free image editor to Crop, Resize, Flip, Rotate and Convert image online
Snap and manage your windows with shortcuts!
Outlines the web pages grid and displays the width/height in both 'em' and 'px' units when toggled or resized.
Swiss Army Knife of Image Manipulation (Resize, crop, flip, rotate, or remove background color)
Quickly resize your browser window to each Bootstrap 3 breakpoint.
Resize YouTube's HTML5 player to fully fit your browser window
Appstation Photo Crop Resizer is a tool for resizing images exactly without a back-end. You can try it now. You can compress image…
A Google Chrome extension that lets you drag, resize and flip a golden ratio overlay.
Improves the image scaling of Chrome, providing crisper and clearer resized images on pages.
Use with Trello to hide empty lists and resize the width of visible lists.
Allows you to resize input fields like you can with textareas.
When you resize a textbox on the web, Textbox Tamer will keep it that way!
Restores window size and position after changing screen resolution.
Simple resize chrome window. I do not need donate!
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