Show previews of all links to SVGs
Fetch all the SVG from the web
Save inline as .png files
Convert SVG files to PNG format
Download images in one click. Image downloader supports PNG GIF JPG, SVG files. Filter by size, proper file names.
Create scalable screenshots.
Convert SVG files to GIF format
This extension saves SVG
高质量压缩JPEG / PNG / SVG / GIF图像尺寸。
For Scratch teacher and book creator, downloading Scratch blocks to SVG file. Supports MakeCode for micro:bit.
Refresh or reload the browser on a change of HTML, Javascript, CSS, SVG, ...
Shows an inline preview of SVG files on GitHub
Convert SVG files to EPS format
Quality SVG to JPG Converter
Convert SVG files to ICO format
Generate QR code from any text and save it as an SVG image
Convert PNG files to SVG format
Show an icon if a page uses SVG.
Locator genarates, validates and copies xpath/css selector on click. It also supports svg.
QRCoder, generate a vector (SVG) based QR Code for using on advertisement stuff easily.
This extension allows the preview of SVG files on Trello
Convert PSD files to SVG format
Allows drawing on existing images and saving a nice picture (in SVG format)
Modern free open-source color picker and palette manager. Share palettes, download as CSV or SVG, monochromatic, analogous colors...
Add image files & folders from your computer to a gallery to view/slideshow. Supports png, bmp, jpeg, jpg, gif, svg, xbm, webp
Convert AI files to SVG format
Convert SVG to Base64.
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