Extensão para acessar certificados digitais. Esta extensão é utilizada somente nas aplicações da Certisign.
A simple, secure and fast Cardano ADA wallet.
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Make yourself more productive with Space Tab - extension that adapts to your desires!
Customize and change the appearance of online articles to enhance text readability
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Download all files in one click. Download Master lists downloadable links and let you choose, supports all web sites & file types.
RSSHub Radar is a spin-off of RSSHub that helps you quickly discover and subscribe to RSS and RSSHub for your current site.
Find Emails On Social Networks and Websites
EasyReader can customize and improve the readability of long web articles
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Export your Chrome History as an Excel-readable CSV file or as a JSON file.
An extension which notifies you when there are new advertisements available
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Tiện ích giúp bảo vệ bạn khỏi các trang web có nguy cơ lừa đảo, giả mạo, có nội dung xấu hoặc phần mềm độc hại.
Stay protected while searching and surfing the Web. Never worry about suspicious websites again.
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Testador automático de cupons de desconto, histórico de preços e ofertas relacionadas.
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Returns Mute Tab option from Chrome 71 to nowadays.
Transplanted from Safari's Reader View module. Just click a icon in the address bar and you'll get a readability page.
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Converts UNIX timestamps to human-readable dates and vice versa.
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