Disables autoplay of all HTML5 audio and video
Night Shift automatically shifts the colors of your browser content to warmer end of the color spectrum after dark
Allows CPRewritten to automatically run Flash Player
Don't waste your time with compliance. Universal Bypass automatically skips annoying link shorteners.
Make tasks disappear. Like magic. Free, top-rated text expander & autofill. Expand what you type & automate your repetitive tasks.
Powerful Extension To Extract E-Mail ID's Automatically From Web Pages. NEW FEATURES: AutoVisit websites and AutoSave Email IDs.
Automatically apply coupons and cash back at thousands of your favorite stores!
Automatically deletes browsing history and optionally other browsing data.
Auto draws images in pictionary game, skribbl.io.
Intelligently warns you of adult search query and removes adult autocomplete suggestions from your address bar.
Extension automatically claims Drops, Channel Points and Moments on Twitch, and also adds many other features!
Reload pages periodically
Block ads and Auto skip ad on most video players.
Auto HD quality for Youtube videos. Optimal video quality is selected based on your screen size.
Set up refresh timers on multiple tabs. Both powerful and easy-to-use tool.
Refresh pages periodically with precise 1s intervals. Works on multiple tabs simultaneously.
Refresh tabs periodically with intelligent timers.
NordPass is your freedom from password stress. Generate and securely store strong passwords and autofill them with a single click.
Automatically get the lowest price on whatever you’re buying.
BeFrugal automatically applies the BEST COUPONS and pays you the HIGHEST CASH BACK rates at thousands of your favorite stores!
Refresh page automatically, plus page monitor feature etc.
During checkout Savematik will remind you, and automatically apply coupon codes for you
Simplest way to automatically reload and refresh webpages with custom time interval in just one-click
Enpass extension autofills logins, passwords, credit cards and identities from the Enpass desktop application.
An easy-to-use tab reloader with custom reloading time for individual tabs and more!
xPath plugin to auto generate, write and verify xpath & cssSelector.
Automatically proceed with multi-search, champion analysis, and rune settings to make your games more comfortable.
Bypass the annoying 'you still there?' popup message and keep YouTube running nonstop!
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