A nimble and flexible Selenium Page Object Model generator to improve agile testing process velocity.
SideeX (Extended Selenium IDE) - A free and open source smart record-playback automated web application testing tool
Test how your web pages look to the human eye. Full integration with Selenium and CI/CD. Easy creation of tests based on Galen.
Generates cssSelector and xPath for Selenium
Selenium Test Generator for creating low-code tests in the AutonomIQ studio.
Selenium Test Generator for creating low-code tests in the AutonomIQ studio.
Selenium Test Generator for creating low-code tests in the AutonomIQ studio.
Selenium Record and Playback tool for ease of getting acquainted with Selenium WebDriver.
Generate async syntax for WebdriverIO tests in Katalon Recorder, similar to Selenium IDE
Create Synthetic User Scenario and run it 24x7 against your web app/site (using Selenium/germainAPM)
A browser extension which helps inspecting elements and generate page element JSON to support any selenium based Java framework
Build CSS selector for any element. Intended for use with Selenium, but works very well for building CSS or jQuery selectors
Extensão para o google chrome, com finalidade de buscar elementos com id ou name e converter em elementos para o selenium.
Copado tool to record the best Selenium tests, salesforce-compatible!
An extension that converts browser interaction to selenium code for Python and Java
Rocketbot extension for automate main browser without use selenium
Selenium IDE alternative for web testing. It records tests as you interact with a website and runs them on different platforms.
CloudNetCare recording plugin for Selenium IDE
XPath/CSS Selenium/Germanium selectors, at a push of a button.
Create rapid Selenium automated tests with browsers using CloudTestSoftware recorder and CTestOne platform for any site.
This extension will help determine unique Selenium WebElement that can be used with PageFactory to initialize elements on the page.
Caset : Cafe24SeleniumIdeTestPlatform
Expose the page response headers to Navigator object to make them available from Selenium and other web drivers
Generate adapting Selenium Java code 30x faster than writing and deal less with debugging tests.
Record then run a Synthetic User Scenario for your website or web application using germainAPM and Selenium
Copy your browser session cookies and store it in a local server. Then used from withins selenium to bypass your app login process.
Selenium Record and Playback tool for ease of getting acquainted with Selenium WebDriver.
Mugnsoft Record and Playback tool for ease of getting acquainted with Selenium WebDriver.
This extension assists with providing the browser with secure identity tokens when making requests to secure Google Cloud Run…
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