Telerik Kendo UI Chrome DevTools extension
Extends the Developer Tools, adding tools for Grunt
Dracula is a dark theme for Atom, Alfred, Emacs, Highlight.js, iTerm, JetBrains, Pygments, Slack, Sublime Text and many more..
A dark theme for Chrome DevTools
The Meteor framework development tool belt, evolved.
Web Audio DevTools Extension (graph visualizer)
Log from PHP to a devtools panel.
A DevTools extension for monitoring SOAP traffic.
Redux DevTools for debugging application's state changes.
BUGFIX Version, not by original author. Chrome and Firefox DevTools extension for debugging Vue.js applications.
Formily DevTools for debugging application's state changes.
Devtools panel for AEM development. Includes in-browser Log Tracer and Adaptive Forms development tooling
This extension can be used with MSP_DevTools module for Magento
Open files from Chrome Devtools in IntelliJ IDEs (Webstorm, PHPStorm etc.)
Django Debug Toolbar inside WebKit DevTools. Works fine with background AJAX requests and non-HTML responses.
A developer tools color theme inspired by the Material Theme UI plugin for IntelliJ IDEA.
A DevTools extension enabling smart tools for Tailwind CSS.
Inspect, edit and export animations made with CSS and Motion One.
Helps in debugging Angular(1.x/4+/Ivy) applications. Extends the elements panel in devtools to display component properties.
A mobile browser extension for debugging web sites and applications with the console, DOM, network info, sources, and more.
Save, version and share Chrome DevTools Styles changes
A Chrome extension for inspecting XState machines running in your app.
Save your CSS and JS modifications in Devtools automatically to local disk.
The official Urql chrome extension
Adds rulers panel to devtools!
Easily spot missing ARIA labels, misused ARIA roles, and incomplete keyboard support in your web applications.
Chrome and DevTools extension for debugging Cocos Creator games
Developer Tools extension to inspect Relay store and how it changes.
A browser devtools extension for detecting browser fingerprinting.
Devtools panel to visualize rxjs observables
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