The world's most popular userscript manager
Quickly capture what's on your mind and share those thoughts with friends and family.
Capture a screenshot of your current page in entirety and reliably—without requesting any extra permissions!
The #1 screen recorder for Chrome. Capture, edit and share videos in seconds.
Расширение позволяет использовать КриптоПро ЭЦП Browser plug-in в браузере. Для работы требует установленного ЭЦП Browser plug-in.
Userscript support for Chromium based browsers like Opera and Chrome.
Record your screen and camera with one click. Share that content in an instant with a link.
Keep your searches private by redirecting searches that may be tracked to Search Encrypt, a privacy-focused search engine.
创建、 编辑和共享 PowerPoint 演示文稿。与其他人实时协作。
Adds price history charts and the option to be alerted on price drops to all Amazon sites.
The easiest, fastest way to capture articles, videos, and more.
Take a Speedtest directly from your toolbar to quickly test your internet performance without interruption.
Lightweight Userscript manager. Provides userscripts support for Chromium browsers
A crypto wallet reimagined for DeFi & NFTs
Keep your searches private by redirecting searches that may be tracked to Search Encrypt, a privacy-focused search engine.
Tells the Google Analytics JavaScript not to send information to Google Analytics.
Add more tools and options for WhatsApp Web for more privacy and reliability.
Allows Google Workspace administrators to view laptop and desktop status, including OS, device, and user information.
Simple, free, and unlimited screencast recording.
Ad-Blocker is the best ad blocker for your web browser. It can block tracking scripts, banners, annoying pop-up ads and much more.
Read articles without distractions - use reader view. Make your reading process exceptional.
Sends requests fired through the Postman chrome app.
This extension provides access to file system and cryptography functionality, clipboard, and 1C:Enterprise add-ins.
The #1 Converter tool that supports PDF, Word, Excel, PPT, JPG. Convert PDF to different formats and vice versa in one click.
Digital Signature of eReturns, PDF & Web User Auth, RSA Encryption/Decryption, Certificate Enrollment/Download on Smartcard.
The world's most popular userscript manager
Customize per-script font settings.
Модуль для аутентифікації громадянина через BankID з використанням ЕЦП без Java
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