웹사이트 상에서 한글 초성으로 검색하기. 작동하지 않으면 브라우저를 껐다 켜보세요. 설치한 뒤 Alt+Shift+F 를 누르거나 오른쪽 상단의 아이콘을 클릭하면 검색할 수 있습니다. 'Jaum (초성)' 체크박스를 체크하면 초성 검색…
This extension uses regular expressions to find important elements on webpages.
This extension displays a translator for Regular Expressions to English and back again
Assign colored stripes to favicons, based on URL and title regex matching.
Automatically login to Basic Authentication using data based on URL regexp.
Specify regex patterns of text to match and replace in the page.
Generates a password based on a regex string
Automatically switch to Incognito mode when a regex matches.
Regexp based on https://regexper.com/
RegExp Finder enables you to search words by JavaScript regular expression on web pages.
use regex in serach web page
A chrome extension to convert current url using the provided regex
Edit Url by Regex
Hides any posts matching a regex in Expression Engine fora
Catch and redirect url's based on RegEx identifier
Помощник по созданию и тестированию регулярных выражений + шпаргалка.
Filter specific files in a pull request by specifying them in the description via RegEx.
Cập nhật Regex cho phù hợp với quy tắc đặt tên trong HK1 năm học 2021-2022
Colorful Search Results with RegExp
An attempt to introduce regex to canvas quizzes
Create custom links based on regex
This extension allows you to copy text directly to the clipboard with regex special characters escaped
Generate and navigate to Deep link-ed URLs based on RegEx pattern or Array match
Copies URL to clipboard with optional replace by configurable regex pattern.
Extension for Search Korean by initial with regex
Test your RegEx quickly
1.use picture as background of newtab and sites easily; 2.save tab sessions; 3.Regex Search web Page 4.js block
This extension gets parts of the href with regex and copys them to clipboard
A chrome extension to replace text content in web page with regexp
Browser extension to customize favicons based on URL and title regex matching
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