Simply increase personal productivity
Switch your address bar’s default search engine simply.
Simply copy text from images & videos
This extension provides night mode functionality for webpages
Find out whether a merchant can be affiliated and allow you to earn money. Visit merchant sites as usual and simply click the app…
Speed controller for HTML5 videos. Simply manage speed boost, slow down, advance and rewind using keyboard.
Simply choose your next video to be played and let the RT playlist handle it!
Allows to access incognito mode from the same window by simply pushing a button.
Simply Reader — read articles beautifully!
Simply share CSS colors from text selections, images or websites using Colorpeek.
Can't think of a secure password? Simply double click the password field.
Дополнение создано владельцем сайта https://a2-finance.com в развлекательных целях. Ответственности автор не несёт. Вообще никакой.
Readme - Text to Speech can read aloud text from any websites, eBooks and documents. Simply select and speak (TTS).
As you know Spotify doesn't provide method to listen all songs of artist in single playlist. With this extension you can simply…
An AI powered analysis overlay
very simple dark mode for simple websites
SimplyTrends - Reveal all the secrets behind any Shopify store.
simply make the web page look dark
Simply put this is a dark theme for the 18+ webcam site Chaturbate.
Simply focus on the video with theater mode addon
This simply closes the pages that Magic Actions opens automatically every time it updates.
Jdict dictionary extension help you read japanese text more simply
simply put, Jarvis AI program respond to your little command with real voice and help you redirect your google.xx to google.com and…
Simply enables the usage of your keyboard's media keys for Google Play Music.
Feeling down? Simply call a cat from your browser, instantly brightening your mood without interrupting workflow!
Alix allows you to lint your HTML for Accessibility issues simply by applying a stylesheet that makes use of advanced CSS selectors.
Quickly flick through images and videos with ease with the 4Chan Gallery Mode extension. Simply click the “Gallery Mode” link with…
calculate simply and fast
Zoom images/videos on all your favorite websites (Facebook, Amazon, etc). Simply hover your mouse over the image to enlarge it.
Simply type 'b {keyword}' in omnibox to open bookmark in current tab.
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