Look deeper into Tehran stock market.
Sellcaster: 1 click solution to monitor Competitor Inventory & Sales, find Profitable Opportunities, Research & Restock any product.
A simple to use autoclicker
Cryptocurrency live price and portfolio tracker.
AutoCorrects as you type !
Add instant search capabilities to GitHub's search bar.
Autoclicker for POPCAT that won't be affected by the RED EYES.
Set cryptocurrency price alerts with notifications, alert sounds and advanced controls
The OAuth 2.0 Playground is a tool for developers that simplifies experimentation with the OAuth 2.0 protocol and APIs.
Earn cryptocurrency as you browse the web
Markets & Currencies Information, links
Get a better chance of nabbing a graphics card
Automatically changes HTTP protocol to HTTPS, and if loading encounters error, reverts it back to HTTP.
Displays card image popups for collectable card games on all webpages you visit.
Spy how many products remain on any Amazon Product’s offer listing page. Check your competitor’s stock!
Stop pages from disabling autocomplete on fields.
Test Websocket connections with ease, supports both secure (wss) and unsecure (ws) protocols.
Autocomplete Your Saudi National Address from any website.
Do you want to automate mouse clicks? Then use our autoclicker and automate clicks like a pro. You can use our auto clicker for…
Shutterstock Reveal插件是一款非常实用的以图搜图工具,将鼠标悬停在任何网络图片上,就可以立刻对图片进行搜索,快速查找相似的无版权图片,非常适合设计人员和媒体工作者使用。
Firecamp offers dedicated GUI runtime, tools & services for various protocols & styles like HTTP/Rest, GraphQL, WebSocket, MQTT etc
Automatically converts units on web pages to familiar values, so you don't have to find that calculator again.
Remote control for LG smart TV set. Extension allows to control some WebOS based LG TV models. It uses generic protocol, so can be…
Automatic click, timed click, automated task
Automatically claims 'Channel Points' on Twitch
Stock (Australia, Brazil, Canada, United States, Forex) & Cryptocurrency monitoring with price alert feature.
Tracking multiple charts when trading: Cryptocurrency, Forex, Stoch, Bitcoin, Binary Option, CFD, Futures, tradingview
User friendly cryptocurrency exchange rates calculator with 500+ cryptocurrencies on the list: Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Zcash
Track multiple portfolio in real time. You also get in-depth information on each stock. Stock Quotes, Multiple Watch List.
Open websites with VLC. You must install the vlc:// protocol handler as well. You should use this together with playlist parsers.
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