Snapseed for PC extension provides you with 'Snapseed' design on new tab. Designed for 'Snapseed' app fans.
Tired of missing out your seed? removing crows? or even late harvests? This extension is for you, with the new notifications feature
Automatically sorts results by number of seeders when searching on The Pirate Bay.
Share your browser or an application screen with other participants using WebRTC.
Add torrents using several programs' WebUIs
A downloader to help you download the seeds from dmhy faster.
Keep up to date with the latest match scores and seeding positions for FRC teams.
Denne utvidelsen lar deg koble deg til BF4 servere automatisk (Kun NBFC)
Automatically seeds players as you add them.
A chrome extension that helps you find and consume free downloads on SoundCIoud.com
SeedMapper is a Chrome browser plugin that, each time you open a new tab, will pick a random entry from the Seed Vault’s database…
Wurm Online optimal skill gain calculator
People write, people seed.
Aniseed Rewards supports your favourite charity, for free, and saves you money with automatic discount codes when you shop online.
This extension allows you to easily download files on a seedbox from a gazelle tracker site.
Automatically seeds your NASB tournament using braacket.com ranking.
Chickpea and Seedling stickers on-the-go
Screensharing utility for seedesks.com
Ripenn extension to add or schedule seed
This extension lets you login to websites supporting lnurl-auth with 1 click
Hiding Bitcoin Seed Keys In Plain Sight
Helps you add missing seeds in Wikipedia
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