“tab man”相关的搜索结果
Quickly find open tabs, see all windows in one view, find duplicates and limit tabs per window. The best Tab Manager for Chrome.
The world’s best tab manager 世界上最好的标签管理器
Window and Tab manager for managing multiple open tabs and windows with simplicity.
A simple, powerful tab manager
Open too many tabs in your browser? Don't worry, let Aerys II Targaryen, also known as the Mad King, help you burn them all!
Supercharge Chrome with commands, shortcuts, and more
Intuitive tab management
"I got 99 problems, but a tab ain't one." An intelligent tab manager for the everyday user.
Switch is a workstation that helps you manage web applications and accounts in 1 place.
Display tabs in a hierarchical structure similar to a tree
Tabbs helps you navigate, manage, and organize dozens of open tabs using keyboard shortcuts
Next generation session manager
A minimalist tab manager. Search, switch, rearrange, and close tabs from the toolbar menu.
Why should only mobile browsers have tab managers
Quickly and conveniently manage your open tabs
New Chrome extensions manager
The missing tab manager for Chrome
Fewer tabs for better focus and productivity - Your simple ecological tab manager
Save & restore your browser sessions. Auto saving, multiple sessions and more.
Tab Manager and Productivity Extension - save tabs as workspaces and revisit them in the future
Quickly and conveniently manage your open tabs
Project Tab Manager is an extension for Google Chrome that helps you focus on a single project.
Have FUN organizing & saving your tabs & windows with the ultimate Tab Manager.
Multi-functional browser organizer & note taking tool.
The missing tab manager
Chrome extension for organizing tabs as sessions
Save and restore your tabs and windows, and navigate tabs in a vertical view.
Manage My Tabs is an extension that gives the user a quick and simple way to manage their tabs.
Tab Management is a system of web browser tools to automatically enhance your web browsing experience to its full potential.
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