“QR code”相关的搜索结果
Generate QR Code for installing Android apps on your device while surfing web-based Google Play™ (no sign-in required)
Create your own QR Codes! Design your QR Code with custom image
Quickly send viewing web page or any other text to your mobile using QR code.
Create QR Code quickly
A QR code generator.
Scan QR code in image in clipboard. If you want to scan QR code on your computer, simply take screen-shot(or snip like…
Crie QR Codes personalizados gratuitamente, e salve em diversos formatos (PNG ou SVG) para obter a melhor qualidade de impressão.
Generates QR code from any text (URL, message, number, etc.)
One Click URL Shortener. Create links with Bitly, TinyUrl, is.gd, to.ly or goo.gl. QR Code, fast copy paste for Google Chrome.
Fast Shorten URL for Web
Generate QR codes instantly ⚡
Создает и расшифровывает QR-коды текста и веб-страниц. Мгновенный экспорт информации в мобильный телефон.
Creates QR Codes from open pages, URLs, images, links and selected text.
It will create a QR code based on the current page's URL which you can then you use to open the page on your mobile device
Add a QR Code to each app's page in windowsphone.com, so you can use Bing Vision to open it on your Windows Phone.
One Click URL Shortener. Create links with Bitly, TinyUrl, is.gd, to.ly or goo.gl. QR Code, fast copy paste for Google Chrome.
Generate QR Code easier, faster, smart and sweet. one click to create QR Code of current page or seleted text or link addr or image.
可以將指定的內容轉換成 QR Code 條碼, 預設是將目前瀏覽的網址進行轉換!
This extension generates a QR code for the current tab's URL.
Easy extension that shortens urls and generates QR Codes in one click!
Generates QR Code of the open tab
This Extension allow the user to quickly create QR Codes with the current url
Fast and simple QR Code Generator
Print on your own printer, on label sheets or plain paper - the QR code of any web page, and any graphic design, image or picture.
DcdRvsLnk - Decodificar ou reverter links: Decodifica links criptografados. Compartilha, copia, gera pdf, gera QR Code ...
QR code generator for any links (including history). Transform the links you see on a webpage to QR code
Tạo QR Code thẻ BHYT đăng kí VssID.
Generate QR code from the url of current page, link, music, video, news notes, image or text. And it decodes the QR code of an…
QReaderX decodes QR Codes displayed on the sites and gives warnings for unsafe URLs
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