A brilliant way to store, share and easily organize all your links, videos, and notes.
Añade tu perfil a Bizneo con un clic y ahorra horas de reclutamiento y seguimiento de candidatos
Unclutter your browser by putting away tabs and coming back to them later.


Save up to 95% memory and reduce tab clutter
Enjoy a faster internet browsing experience, free from clutter & distractions.
Remove all unnecessary clutter when looking for help on StackOverflow.
Easily see which breakpoint you are currently in without cluttering up your UI.
Clean reader and bookmarking app for articles you want to read later without clutter by using its unique article extraction method.
A chrome extension to temporarily bookmark tabs to declutter your browser
An interface cleanup for The Hindu website, focusing on content readability. More whitespace, less clutter and clear typography
Automatically clear clutter on refresh.
Drop the cluttered meditation apps that never get opened. Mist lets you actually be more mindful without the hassle.
Browse multiple sites in the same tab. Very useful on Chrome OS!
Quickly and easily save URLs without cluttering your bookmarks bar.
Remove the clutter, ads, popups, and paragraphs and paragraphs of filler text from recipe sites.


Round up prices automatically to avoid psychological pricing, reduce clutter, and make easy comparisons.
Changes back to the last tab you were on. Useful when you have cluttered tabs and click on a different tab and forgot which tab you…
Hide favicons from your Google Search results! Less cluttered, less painful.
Tangent removes the need to maintain multiple browser windows and reduces tab clutter.
Removing the clutter from articles.
YouTube with less clutter.
Remove all the annoying clutter from your Twitter.
Fine tune your steam item price by looking at actual listings and not at the cluttered graph (you can switch back to graph)
Sweep away clutter as you browse
Clean up annoying Feedly UI clutter.
A simple addon to remove medium article banners that clutter the screen
Say goodbye to millions of open chrome windows that clutter your screen and slow your machine! A tab manager for the power user.
Browser Purge Utility is an extension that clears your browsers clutter effortlessly
An extension which will save the state of your open tabs! Have you ever had an overwhelming amount of tabs open - cluttering your…
Pin your favourite tabs for quick access without cluttering your Chrome titlebar
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