“Tab Switcher”相关的搜索结果
Makes switching between tabs more convenient.
Add keyboard shortcuts to switch tabs with a Quicksilver-style search or a most recently used menu
Rapidly filter and switch between windows & tabs
Quickly switch to other open tabs with just your keyboard
DM - Tab Revolver is a state-of-the-art tab switcher which allows you to setup a slideshow of the tabs of your choice
Switch tabs with mouse wheel.
'In window', keyboard driven, tab switcher for simple, OS like, navigation! * PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE OPTIONS PAGE *
Tab switcher for Google Chrome
Use shortcuts to quickly switch your current tab.


hit a hint and tab switcher
Quick Tab Switcher
A chrome tab switcher which enables a shortcut to switch the current tab to latest one.
Press Ctr+I or Command+I (OS X) to open window. Quick Tab Switcher is a tab management browser extension for the Google Chrome…
An easier way to switch between your most recent tabs.
Switch tabs using ctrl+shift+z and ctrl+shift+x.
Automatically switch the opened tabs every 20 seconds.
Tab switcher/swapper/toggler - switching to previous active tab
Switch tabs faster using ctrl+period to go left and ctrl+comma to go right.
Switches between the last 2 active tabs
Switch tabs easily with keyboard shortcuts.
Remap tab switch hotkeys (4-7)
Fastest to switch to tab page
Tab switcher for browsers
Switch to existing tab by URL.
Easily find and close tabs!


Tab switcher with fuzzy search.
Use Ctrl (⌥ on Mac) + Left Arrow go to the tab to the left and Ctrl (⌥ on Mac) + Right Arrow to go to the tab to the right.
Application switches two last highlighted tabs by pressing Alt+Space keys combination.
Displays a list of all tabs in all windows and allows you to switch between them.
Easily switch between chrome tabs
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