Easily create notes from within Chrome that are automatically synced as Documents to your Google Drive account.
Automatically add BCC/CC fields when you send emails. Allow different BCC/CC addresses per each of your Gmail accounts.
Share your current account with others without revealing your password, securely.
Take screenshots, add images to your imgur account and upload images from your desktop using drag and drop.
Share your accounts without revealing passwords
With Restrictions Detective you can check in Tactical Arbitrage which products have Seller or Hazmat restrictions for your account.
Export or download all the media from an OnlyFans account
If you have multiple accounts let Swap My Cookies manage them for you!
waboxapp.com - Connect with your IM accounts
Provides link in the omnibar to where to delete account and informs you how hard it is to delete your account.
This extension imports recipes from your favorite sites into your Plan to Eat account.
Get desktop notifications for new emails in your Gmail account, even when Gmail is not open in a tab.
Accounting software that makes you even smarter.
Copy your Tags, Triggers and Variables and Paste them into any other account
Record k6 scripts right from the browser, automatically uploaded to your k6.io cloud account.
Create list of followers/following of an Instagram account, find common users of 2 IG accounts, calculate likes/comments on profile
Right-click uploading of images and screenshots anonymously or to your imgur account.
Fetch and synchronize your external POP accounts at the frequency you select.
JPG to PDF. Convert JPG files to PDF to make them more sharable and easy to save on your account
Connect your Nike account to N+Exporter
** Update Jul 23 2017. Should be updated to work again! ** This extension should make photobucket embeds work for all accounts…
For Organizations using Google Meet to block unwanted invitation requests from outside organizations/generic gmail accounts
The easiest way to schedule your posts on your Social Media accounts.
Note Popup is the simplest way to edit and add notes to your Evernote account
Protect your browser with a synced password on any browser using the same account and keep any site you want blocked.
Boxcryptor adds an additional layer of security to your Dropbox, Google Drive, Box and Microsoft OneDrive account.
Save files from the Internet to your 4shared account with one click.
Share accounts and subscriptions without giving your passwords away.
Switch is a workstation that helps you manage web applications and accounts in 1 place.
The system for managing concurrent access to external web services.
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