Seesaw is a student-driven digital portfolio that empowers students to independently document what they are learning at school.
Easily edit, annotate, eSign and transform any PDF from Google Drive into a fillable PDF form.
Block Site Plus is a PIN code protected website blocker. Scheduled browser-wide site blocking
Block annoying ads, popups, malware and tracking (even on Facebook & Youtube), browse faster, and protect your privacy.
Listen to docs, articles, PDFs, email — anything you read — with our leading text-to-speech reader.
Socrative Student Chrome App
超过 1 千万人使用 Pocket 轻松地保存文章、视频等供以后查看。
Ad-Blocker is the best ad blocker for your web browser. It can block tracking scripts, banners, annoying pop-up ads and much more.
Adblock blocks unwanted ads for Youtube and the Web. Light and fast adblo
Read articles without distractions - use reader view. Make your reading process exceptional.
Share the screen from your computer in a video conversation, to show presentations, photos and documents.
uBlocker is a fast, efficient & most effective adblocker utility on the planet.
Removes ads on Youtube. It also allows you to block annotations and pre-rolls.
Trustnav prevents you from accessing dangerous websites and blocks unwanted ads.
跳过 YouTube 视频中的赞助广告、订阅提醒等片段。标记视频中的赞助广告来节约大家的时间。
uBlocker is a fast, efficient & most effective adblocker utility for Chrome
Instantly block annoying ads, pop-ups & intrusive trackers with Total Adblock.
Effortless ad blocking and content filtering
Effortless ad blocking and content filtering
Adblock - stop ads on every site.
Ad Remover blocks online ads and activity trackers, which helps sites load faster and protect your privacy.
An extension that allows local viewing of Axure RP prototypes from Google Chrome.
Extensão para realizar Assinaturas Digitais em documentos a partir do navegador.
With Adblock for Chrome™ you can easily block ads on all websites in your Chrome Browser.
Unstoppable adblocker
Swaps video ads for an ad-free stream.
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