Improve your writing with Grammarly's communication assistance—including spell check, grammar check, punctuation check, and more.
Provide simple formatting assistance for Google+.
Short Cut Add-on for Transit Sites
ClickLearn Chrome Assist for web assistance
Purchasing assistance tool chrome extension.
ApplySquare provides graduate school application assistance.
Set of tools: Links checker, Web page info, Duplicate tabs
Remote pointer for HeyPhone remote assistance
Add a TortoiseGit clone button to BitBucket and PR common issue assistance.
Piano assistance.
Provides assistance for The Hotels Network clients on some administrative tasks
Color tool for assistance with colors when browsing!
Checks for ChannelAdvisor tracking and provides basic troubleshooting
TOTVS Remote Assistance - Dominio
Use this extension to share your screen during ongoing video call of Blitzz.
TWiC is a terminological assistance program for readers of foreign language documents.
Enable the Next button in video player
A tool to connect you with immediate assistance or information about drugs.
Manager Assignment Assistance (MAA). Manager Assignment Assistance. Oracle Internal Use ONLY.
Assistance in working with the government procurement portal
Shortcuts and Assistance for the HRC team: ZenDesk Country Selector
This extension allows you to share your screen with other participants inside an MIX Assistance session.
Assistance in finding products at an alternative price by image
Limits the number of clicks to one per second for accessibility assistance.
Accelerated Gmail Sales Assistance.Automate your follow-up emails and get a response! Send emails from inside Gmail.
HintSystem lets you add a welcome screen, hints, tool tips, and other user assistance to any website or web application. It gives…
This extension was created for those looking for appliance tips and assistance peachappliancerepair.com
The only assistance you need to help give yourself the push your schedule needs to have a productive day. Compete for points,…
Assistance in google mail & calendar!
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