This is an official AmazonSmile extension for Chrome
Shades Chrome to a soothing orange color to decrease eye-strain, eye fatigue and to appease your brain's day/night cycle.
Find the perfect product to start dominating on Amazon
Scroll smoothly on all websites with your mouse and keyboard.
Plays web videos or local videos on a DLNA renderer (Smart TV, XBox etc.)
Small tools and helpers for a better gaming experience in Forge of Empires
Interface for authenticators such a Smart Cards and YubiKeys
Provides better integration with the KDE Plasma 5 desktop.
Add AODocs® features to Google Workspace™ (Google Drive™, Docs™, Sheets™, Slides™, Drawings™ and Gmail™).
Sell smarter, while you surf.
Redirects any www.amazon.com page to smile.amazon.com
Service helping to make smart online purchases
Roll, jump, smash and explore.
Smartphone and tablet simulator on computer with several models to test mobile responsive websites.
Play Animal Crossing's smooth background music in real-time throughout your day.
Get the best price on 10 million+ products across 100+ online stores. Find more! Save more!
Block access to certain websites with access codes and a schedule.
Make your computer run smoothly by suspending the tabs you aren't using
This extension configures your Default Search to SmashApps (smashapps.net)
Smart browsing history and tracking information cleaner.
Lets you join an empty / smallest server in any Roblox game.
Smart Searching replaces your new tab page and provides you with popular trending searches!
Make scroll behavior smooth, ease-in-out manner, customizable with dynamically plotted curve. With bouncy edge feature.
Get cash back and best deals while shopping with 10.000's+ merchants!
Adpanda fight ads. Fast, fierce, and smart.
YouTube Optimizer/Enhance. Provides 'Smart Buffer' for slow connections; auto loop; buffer preferences; quality selection; and more
This extension provides connectivity between the browser and Blue Prism.
Smart and Simple Assistant for Instagram(tm)
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