Stops Chrome from suspending tabs, and reloading them when you switch to them.
Automatically discards unused tabs to free up system resources
Discard all inactive tabs (except pinned) at startup or by clicking an icon
Move all cards from the three piles to the discard piles. Cards must be consecutive, either in ascending or descending order.
Automatically discards all tabs at startup, before they load, reducing memory footprint and unnecessary bandwidth usage.
Stops Chrome from suspending specific tabs, and reloading them when you switch to them. Open chrome://discards for details.
Helps Chrome run faster by freeing up memory and system resources being used by inactive tabs or old tabs
Disable auto-discard of all tabs or for tabs with specific domains
Manually discard all open tabs except the current one. Speed up your browser.
Prevents the browser from discarding tabs. You won't have to wait for them to load again.
Easily suspend inactive tabs and save up memory for your browser.
Allows you to quickly unload (discard) tab in current window.
Reducing memory usage of inactive tabs, speed up your chrome.
Disables automatic tab discarding feature, configurable for specific urls.
A history stack that doesn't discard the forward entries when you navigate.
Automatically discards all tabs at startup, before they load, reducing memory footprint and unnecessary bandwidth usage.
This extension lets you discard tabs, improves chrome browser performance
Discard/suspend tabs to be restored; open downloads rather than save them
Choose to save or discard Jira description changes when you hit ESC rather than dismissing them.
SmartContact enabled 'Auto Discardable' tab
Discards tabs that are inactive for 3 minutes to free up memory, while still preserving the tabs state when you click on them again.


beerSnob will help you to quickly discard all the lesser beers when you searching for your next bottle of liquid courage.
Discard Draft Shortcut Key for OS X
A chrome extension to free up system resources used by active tabs
Quick bookmark creation and tab discarding. One click downloads n stuff. IDK.
Boost your tab by discarding the unused tabs
Less CPU 4 U is a chrome extension that discards tabs after they are unused for a certain period of time. This saves CPU and memory…
Discard tabs other than active ones to free resources
You know how sometimes when you switch to a tab Chrome decides to reload it? This adds a button to make that happen. This can…
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