Improving Steam. Items auto-selling. Lowest prices for games and items. Prices from different sources. And a lot more
Block coin miners using your computer ressources without your consent.
UP - Save all resources files with retaining folder structure.
It’s easier than ever to locate your Destiny® resources! You can now use Google to search for resources from your Destiny catalog.
Blocks ads and ad popups from thousands of sources.
Save music in one click! Fast download of tracks from VK, as well as from many other audio resources.
Blocks ads, popups and trackers from 13'000 sources
Extend Google searches to include your OPACS Library catalog resources.
Grab and download media (image and video) sources by monitoring network (like FlashGot)
Your personal news stream. Helps you discover and share the latest news on your favorite topics from the sources you trust.
Open online resources with Google Drive Viewer. Supports various formats including DOC, XLS, PDF, PPT, ZIP, HTML, TXT, JS etc.
Let your browser become faster by freeing unused resources
World Class Adblocker! Simple, effective and easy on CPU and memory resources. FREE!
Automatically discards unused tabs to free up system resources
Instant lyrics on YouTube, Spotify and other sites in a flexible panel. 40+ sources ensure that lyrics are always found
Build a powerful army, show no mercy, and battle enemies for earth's last remaining resources in this massive real-time strategy…
Enrich your searches with insights from children's and young adult books, powered by the expertise and resources from TeachingBooks
View current page sources: HTML + Javascript + CSS
A screensaver with multiple photo sources, including your Google Photos.
Easily stop coin miners from using your computer resources.
Warns users about unreliable news sources.
A chrome extension for downloading Moodle resources
Detect streamable video and audio sources and offer to play them in VLC multimedia player
Audio Controlpad: Sync all your favorite web audio sources like music players, streaming video, radio, & podcasts—all in one place.
This extension provides investigators and forensic examiners with links to investigative and forensic resources
Ethereum gas price info, always up to date, from multiple sources
Helps organizations manage online resources and improve worker workflow.
Blocks ads and ad popups from thousands of sources.
With VideoDownloadAssistant you can download videos from a variety of sources. Find video files on popular websites and then…
Show dislikes on Youtube. Return dislikes and ratio bar. Classic ratio bar, controll data sources via options
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