Launch Highfive App from Chrome
Awesome high quality screenshots of any webpage. Like no other extension, it is elegant and simple to use. It just works!
Automatic follow/unfollow/like with advanced filters, randomized timers, and more high-tech features.
TuneYou Radio - Listen to tens of thousands worldwide high quality radio stations
Highlights transphobic/anti-LGBT and trans-friendly subreddits/users/facebook pages/groups with different colors.
Summarizes research papers, creates interactive flashcards, highlights key points, links to open-access versions of each citation
Easily download high resolution copies of any Instagram photo or video.
Change or invert the color scheme according to the time of day.
Additor helps you to organize bookmarks and highlights from article, blog, PDF, and etc into notes.
Parses competitive programming problems and sends them to various tools like CHelper and Hightail.
A Fast and simple document scanner app with high quality text output.
Blocking time-wasting sites so you can be productive. Privacy conscious, feature rich, and highly customizable!
This extension helps you to highlight, take notes and annotate on web pages.
Custom New Tab Custom New Tab control for Chrome. Set custom new tab of your Chrome browser. It is minimalistic page without news…
This is a high-quality text-to-speech (TTS) voice extension that runs in your browser using Native Client technology.
Automatically highlight phone numbers
SnapSave.App is the best Facebook video downloader to help you download high quality Facebook video: Full HD, 2K, 4K
Tự động tìm và highlight từ và cụm từ trên trang web dựa vào list của bạn
Watch football live streaming schedule, live scores, video highlight and leagues table on your browser.
An essential tool to highlight all words you want in webpages.
Fast, easy, high-quality text to speech in over 40 languages. Read out loud from websites, PDF, email. Speak text with TTS.
Automatically Finds You The Highest Cash Back Rate
Pitch content from Highspot directly within popular social media channels as well as sales automation platforms.
One platform to organize all your highlights - import Kindle highlights and annotate the web with our built-in highlighter.
Installing this extension enables text-to-speech and word-level highlighting for the Bookshare Web Reader.
Highlight the text you want to translate, and a translation popup will appear automatically.
*Auto Highlight* automatically highlights the important content on article pages.
See how many words and characters are on a page. Simply highlight the text, right click, and click the Word Counter icon!
An extension for highlighting phone numbers on web page and initiating a call on Avaya one-X Agent after phone number is clicked.
A highly customized dark theme for Devtools.
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