Grabs m3u8 webRequests from visited web pages and provides options for openning them.
Userlytics WebRecorder
A Chrome Extension to enable Screen Capture in the Planet eStream WebRecorder.
Create high-fidelity web archives directly in your browser
Search RateMyProfessors directly from Rutgers course websites
Use Webresolver.nl quickly with this browser extension.
Add your UCSD Schedule from WebReg to your own Calendar using a .ics file.
WebReg tool
Worktronics Edentns WebRecorder
Hover over and click classes on WebReg to visualize them on your calendar
Hot Swap paths to files.
Allows you to view your website in multiple sizes from the single page and add, customize or group sizes how you see fit
USC Web Registration Helper - adds rate my rate my professor info by mousing over teacher names and when clicked opens a new window…
Adds UCSD classes from webreg to your Google Calendar.
Capture full-screen or specific application's screen on any HTTPs domain!
Webreads allows user to audio mark web page content and stream to smart phones
WebReg tool
This extension will download the class schedule in ics format.
chrome extension for modifying webrequests.
A configurable logger for webrequests
Dislike any web page.
WebRemarks Extension for Chrome
WebLogger is a WebRequest Analyzer, used for debugging application's tracking & third-party requests, such as Azure AppInsights.
Like any web page.
Logs and displays the origin of webrequests on a map and in charts
A visual revamp of the UCI Class Schedule and WebReg pages
This extension allows to dial phone numbers via webrequest.
Testing Webrequests Blocking in PS
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