Displays SitesRank Scores of domains in the autocomplete suggestions of the Chrome address bar.
Adds a toggle to use a grid layout in Google Meets
Ningguang 原神 新标签页中的全高清壁纸和主题
GTM/GA Debugger
有趣和高度上瘾的存钱罐闲置现金点击游戏! 从贫穷的猪到赚钱的雨水制造商!
Adds a toggle to flip Google Meet camera image, Flip camera to match what others really see.
Search the Web, Facebook, Twitter and other top sites. Includes suggested searches.
Examine your implementation of the Adobe Experience Cloud.
Quick access in the autocomplete suggestions to search for online games on gaming sites, directly from your Chrome’s address bar.
Grammar, spelling and style checker. Get suggestions on writing improvements
View hidden tagged photos of anyone without being friends (This is a NON-official Facebook app)
Allows the Swagger Inspector and AlertSite to bypass CORS and security-scheme related browser-restrictions for API inspection
Adds a toggle to use a grid layout in Google Meets (New update 2020)
Logs User Inputs
Toggle 21:9 Video on Disney Plus to be full screen on Ultrawide monitors (Removes Black Bars)
ADB Plugin for remote debugging Chrome on Android (Now deprecated)
Analyze the performance of your webpages and get specific suggestions on how to optimize them.
Huge Amazon & KDP search suggestion expander and one click download.
Generate tons of Amazon suggest keywords in ONE click for free! Amazon keyword tool trusted by Power Amazon sellers worldwide.
Minimal and fast extension to toggle debug mode of Odoo
A podcast aggregator for Chrome
A Debugging tool to help you test Websocket APIs
Improve your writing with a spell + grammar checker and writing suggestions.
Chrome Web Socket Extension for DPA
Debug Adobe Experience Platform and Adobe Experience Cloud products using the Adobe Experience Platform Debugger
FVD Suggestions是一款几乎可以支持下载所有视频网站视频内容的Chrome浏览器插件,只要是您的谷歌浏览器可以打开观看的视频,FVD探测器都可以帮您下载下来。
AliPrice.com -- Your money-saving assistant on AliExpress, Gearbest, Banggood, Joybuy and Lazada.
Tool for debugging Ember applications.
Video Converter supports almost all video formats; .flv, mp4, avi, wmv, mp3, ogg, webm and more
The JWT.io debugger as a Web Extension
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