Быстрый переход с Кинопоиска и IMDb к скачиванию или просмотру фильма.
Umożliwia synchronizację filmów pomiędzy Filmweb i IMDb.
Add movies/series to Radarr/Sonarr from IMDB and TVDB
Shows ratings beside Movie names on Actor pages
Connect to your Plex account and see if you own media while browsing popular websites like IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes, and more!
Adds a context menu item upon selecting text and right clicking it, then searches IMDb for it.
Auto-add IMDB ratings, plot, cast, and other useful show info to each show card
Adds HD movie torrent & streaming links to IMDb movie pages.
Chrome extension that generates a random movie from the imdb user's watchlist.
IMDb. movie ratings synchronization
Add 'imdb' keyword to omnibox for searching on IMDB, with immediate search suggestions!
Generate random movies from the Imdb Watchlist.
Non-intrusive way to add rotten tomatoes scores to IMDb.com
Shows IMDb trivia on Letterboxd movie pages.
Adds IMDb information to torrent files on Torrentz.
Shows IMDd, Metacritic, Rotten Tomatoes and TMDb on Netflix
The Pirate Bay search results directly on IMDB!
A little plugin that implements the imdb movie search
This extension will display the IMDB rating of the title your mouse is hovering over, in the bottom right corner.
Protect you from other people influence by hiding the rating bars from IMDB, Goodreads, MyAnimeList and Letterboxd.
IMDb TV Series Chart
Adds HD movie torrent & streaming links to IMDb movie pages.
Adds HD movie torrent & streaming links to IMDb movie pages.
Search The Pirate Bay from IMDB.
View complete info and reviews of a film from upto 10 sites of your choice such as Wikipedia, IMDB, RottenTomatoes, Roger Ebert etc
IMDB rating of movies and series on Netflix
Browser extension for Overseerr that embeds buttons into IMDb and TMDB web pages to easily request movies and tv shows.
Restores forums to IMDb and you can continue posting to them on filmboards.com and restores dislike counts for YouTube videos
豆瓣电影 资源下载, IMDB评分, MPAA 分级
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