Removes w3schools.com links from DuckDuckGo search results
Allows quick cycling through predefined search engines (Seznam 🐶, Google, Bing & DuckDuckGo 🦆) results
You use DuckDuckGo or Bing by default, yet sometimes you want to try the same search in Google? This extension is for you.
Unhappy with DuckDuckGo results? Quickly search the same query on Google. Use the toolbar button or the keyboard command shift + g
Chrome Booster with featured Unsplash images, DuckDuckGo Search And Clear Cache & Cookies Option
Hate when you can't find what your looking for on duckduckgo? Why not look at google with a simple press of the button!
Makes a quack sound whenever you search with DuckDuckGo
As you type DuckDuckgo and uses I'm feeling lucky to go to first result
Text Selection Search allows the quick search on Youtube, Facebook, Bing, Vimeo Videos and Duckduckgo
Adds a YouTube link on the Google, Bing, & DuckDuckGo search results page and YouTube search by right-click.
Fix blocked imgur.com URLs using duckduckgo proxy
Feed DuckDuckGo with your Google search queries.
Adds options 'Search with Bing', Yahoo and DuckDuckGo in the context menu, to search for any selected text
Add a search on Google button to duckduckgo search results
Searches Google from DuckDuckGo after pressing CTRL+M Go to chrome://extensions/shortcuts to change the default key.…
Screw Bing and start using DuckDuckGo
Easy Get Search helps you search for text from a webpage in the alternative search engines Google, Bing, Yahoo and DuckDuckGo.
Override default new tab. Search Google while using Bangs from DuckDuckGo. Integrated JS console and code news.
Fix blocked URLs using Duckduckgo proxy. You can view all Images by proxy.
Get better search results when you Google or DuckDuckGo
Additional shortcut for google like DuckDuckGo
A convenient method for accessing Google from DuckDuckGo.
Inject custom DuckDuckGo Bangs into your browsing experience.
A simple tool for teaching people how to use Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask, Aol, DuckDuckGo, Baidu and other most popular search engines.
Overrides the main start page in Google Chrome, allowing you to search through Google or DuckDuckGo.
Fix blocked URLs using Duckduckgo proxy. You can view all Images by proxy.
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