Shows IMDb trivia on Letterboxd movie pages.
It is only a small script that serves to force the change from px to rem automatically
Adds a filter for streaming providers to Letterboxd.
Know your lists' progress without having to open them.
最舒服的網頁體驗,4xDev ^^
Protect you from other people influence by hiding the rating bars from IMDB, Goodreads, MyAnimeList and Letterboxd.
View, filter and save Adobe Analytics and Adobe Experience Manager (XDM / Alloy) data from developer tools.
Shows the ranking of each of the top 2000 highest rated movies on their respective page.
This extension is to enhance the Grafana/Influxdb dashboard. 1. Grafana template variables with label "HIDE:" will be hidden in…
Adds Rotten Tomatoes features to Letterboxd.com
Facebook Messenger 擴充功能版,4xDev ^^
Easily type your math and get its LaTeX.
Generate Random number of Emojis to annoy your friends XD
A Dark version of the Bookmarks Manager button in the toolbar
Adds Metacritic features to Letterboxd.com
The CRM platform that will grow your business through a plugin for Google and WhatsApp
An extension allowing you to stream your desktop into meetings.
Right-click to search; auto-detects titles on IMDB, Rottentomatoes, Metacritic, letterboxd, and more. (UNOFFICIAL)
快速查詢地圖的工具。4xDev ^^
Used to download files for Disbox.
Letterboxd.com Enhanced
Extends the Developer Tools, adding a sidebar that displays the Qooxdoo data associated with the selected DOM element.
See IMDB, RottenTomatoes, and Metacritic ratings on Letterboxd
xdmachine console interface
Ermöglicht die Suche eines markierten Begriffes direkt in Maxdome
Extensão para captura de cores do browser, retornando uma string com o código hexdecimal !
View XDA threads as an image gallery
An extension to enable Adobe Xd prototype email tools
Transforms the minutes of a movie to a more logical hours and minutes
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