A Chrome Extension to execute customized commands in the style of Terminal/Command Prompt/Command Line/Power Shell
PunyCodeChecker protects users from Homograph Attack. It will prompt a warning page when the visited domain name contains non-ASCII…
Puzzicle turns Khan Academy videos into interactive lessons, with prompts & quizzes to engage students just like a human teacher.
Adds a context (Right click) menu item to images which allows you to directly download them without a prompt.
Removes the annoying prompt on cricinfo that asks you to add their chrome extension
Hold impromptu live video discussions with your remote team members in your web browser. Set your own topic (or choose from our…
Block all pictures and prompts from a user in game. Simply click their name in the list of players to hide or show their content.
Gets rid of all the annoying "Do you really want to leave this website?" prompts, by disabling the beforeunload event in Chrome.
Calls the authorize endpoint with minimum required parameters and prompt=select_account.
Automatically and silently confirm the age of majority prompt in some Japanese adult content sites like Getchu, DMM, DLSite and etc.
This Chrome extension enables screen sharing for Speakeasy. You will be prompted to allow any usage of this extension.
Redirects mailto links to a gmail prompt.
Prompts an occasional, subtle reality check while browsing the home page of Reddit.
If you are tired of having download(1)(2).pdf in your Downloads folder, look no further. This extension will prompt the file…
Read /r/WritingPrompts submissions on Reddit with ease in a custom viewer.
Automatically skip Netflix, Prime Video and Disney plus intros, recaps, and next episode prompts.
OpenAI copy prompts and others to clipboard
Allows you to retweet without going through the quote tweet prompt
Right-click and click 'MARKUP' for a markup prompt
Replace new tab with gratitude prompt
All downloads overwrite existing files instead of adding ' (1)', ' (2)', etc.
Remove login prompts while browsing Quora anonymously.
Prompts you every N minutes to type a small summary about what you're currently working on and keeps track of it.
Allows you to disable javascript alerts, prompts, and onbeforeunload exit popups. For uninterrupted auto surfing.
wiew Win@p records in chrome! If record number is in the clipboard, tab automatically opens, otherwise user is prompted for it.
Features: 1) Adds Bounteous SSO to OpenAir's login page. 2) Adds confirmation prompt to timesheet submission, as that process is…
The current Web page is displayed mirroring when you click the icon. This is useful for teleprompter.
Automatically dismisses the annoying pop-up that prompts you to update your contact details every time you log in.
Fast custom prompts to GPT-3 API
On attempt to close an audible tab, prompts the user for the confirmation.
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