CoCo (COvid COunter) shows real-time statistics on the coronavirus pandemic, provides useful advice, plus mood-boosting surprises
Includes HD wallpaper images of Pikmi Pops on every new tab. For fans of these surprise pops!
Modifies the MLPLounge css to better match best pony's color scheme. Also sets font to normal.
Selects a random link on each page that plays a secret GIF when clicked.
Surprise your friends or office workers with a memorable jingle
Surprise Donald!
No need to search for coupons & deals. Get them right in your browser.
Extension to copy surplus informtion in the correct format
Puts a positive spin on the occasional bonus calories
Faz com seu browser identifique o usurpador mor e TODOS os 61 senadores bandidos do Congresso adicionando o termo GOLPISTA.
The Rings is a gorgeous, minimalist game that is surprisingly challenging and addictive. Arrange the rings of the same color into
Exposes the power of Transformer based AI models to detect AI generated content and highlight most surprising paragraph
Add a bit of surprise to your redditing experience!
Surprising Food Habbit
Surprise, Canada! It's election time already. This extension gets rid of campaign buzzwords like 'the middle class'.
Throw some snow balls and earn points if you hit anyone. It's a fight so don't be surprised to get hit by others and lose points.
Turns Trump into The Snail King, plus some surprises
Step up to score a scrumptious sushi surprise
This Chrome extension turns your GitHub Actions logs into a rainbow 🌈. Plus a few other surprises!
A Special Chrome Extension that changes Your New Tab page to a special birthday animation! Stretching from Penguins to cake to…
See randomly selected bookmarks from your history on new tab. Rediscover websites that you bookmarked in the past and get surprised.
We have prepared a pleasant surprise for all the fans of the Elder Ring game :) After installing the extension, standard…
Enjoy with exclusive promotions and discounts! Save on thousands of products with surprise and coupon discounts.
The power of the rockchain has been underestimated for too long. Mine Geode, the geological structure with a surprise inside!
Search the web using this useful tool from the address bar.
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