“search term”相关的搜索结果
Type 't' plus a search term into the Omnibox to open a matched tab.
To use, type 'FIX44' plus a search term into the Omnibox.
To use, type 'FIX42' plus a search term into the Omnibox.
To use, type 'cf' plus a search term into the Omnibox.
To use, type 'im' plus a search term into the Omnibox.
To use, type 'aria' plus a search term into the Omnibox.
A simple chrome extension to store search terms for later use
Type 'bec' then TAB, plus a search term into the Omnibox to search the Bannerengineering.com website.
To use, type 'g' plus a search term into the url bar. You can customize the existing and add own rules in Settings of the plug-in.
Lazy speller auto accepts Google's spelling suggestion, when you misspell a search term or sentence, so you don't have to!
Remove search cookies and history so big tech companies can’t track you and your search terms.
Type 'nt' plus a search term into the Guard My Shoes to open search in new tab.
Type 'nt' plus a search term into the Omnibox to open search in new tab.
To use, type a search term into the extension popup. or to get all tabs click Find tabs
Counts the number of times a specified search term appears in each tab in the window.
Type 'nt' plus a search term into the Go New Tab to open search in new tab.
Type 'uw ' and your search term to instantly search the Epic UserWeb. 'uw sherlock ' searches Sherlock logs.
Extension queries Spotify based on search terms and plays a 30 second audio clip of a song
Type '#' plus a search term into the Omnibox to open search in new tab.
To use, type 'privacy' plus a search term into the Omnibox.
Suggests search within an amount of search engines. To use, type '»' plus a search term into the Omnibox.
To use, type '#' and a search term/space into the Omnibox.
highlight searth term and jump to search term
Search the web with confidence using the Better Private Search Engine! Type in "private", press TAB and enter your search terms.
Find and highlight multiple search terms in a webpage
Adds often used search terms to right click menu. Like 'XYZ chrunchbase' Or 'ABC Angel List'
To use, type 'FIX50' plus a search term into the Omnibox.
This extension will search https://www.steamprices.com for the given search term
Bustaprice is a price comparison search engine. Type any search term and find the absolute lowest price for that product on the web.


Type 'nt' plus a search term into the Go New Tab to open search in new tab.
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