Bilingual Subtitles & Enhanced Experiences for Netflix
Add current URL to the Title bar to compensate for missing Chrome_OmniboxView
Change video quality, Control video speed, Upload custom subtitles and much more - Make Your Experience on Netflix More Enjoyable.
Plays local videos on Chrome/Chromecast (with subtitles) and playback control from your mobile device.
Add captions to any video or movie on Netflix, Youtube or other platforms.
Extension for download video and subtitles from vimeo.com by injecting download buttons directly into the Vimeo player.
Five Nights at Freddys, often abbreviated as FNaF, is the first episode of this fun and dark point-and-click horror title.
Automatically play next episode, skip title sequences, skip "Are you still watching?" prompts, and search over 3000 genres!
Use this extension to add subtitles available to user to any YouTube video
Test SEO/speed/security of 100s of pages in a click! Check broken links, HTML/JavaScript/CSS, URL redirects, duplicate titles...
Show the Card label titles on trello.com for easier communication in a team
Add foreign language subtitle display and dictionary function on Amazon Prime Video.
Save time watching youtube videos by filtering their subtitles and skipping uninteresting parts.
Show subtitles in two languages on Youtube & Netflix
Reformats the title of each tab according to its URL.
Removes Pandora Ads, Add Song Title to Title Bar and Gives You A Quick Access Bar.
This extension lets you customise the title of any tab.
#1 Character, Letter & Word Counter Tool - Help to count letters, characters & words (UPPERCASE, Titlecase & lowercase converter).
Language Learning with Netflix and YouTube – double subtitles and word translation. Add to Chrome for Free!
Preloads any YouTube links and appends the title of the video to the link in the referring page.
Youtube Subtitle Downloader是一款能帮助谷歌浏览器用户下载youtube视频的字幕的Chrome插件。
Quick search on OpenSubtitles.org
With Researcher's Paper Finder extension, you can enter any title, abstract, or keywords to find related academic papers.
See title tags & meta description, scripts, stylesheets, images & fonts
Identify broken bookmarks, update links to https, delete old bookmarks, edit bookmark title, find javascript links and empty folders
SEO Analysis, SEO Keyword Research and Content Optimization SEO Site Tools. Meta Tags Checker, SEO Title & SEO Keyword Optimizer
Renames the Tab Title
Automatically sort bookmarks by title, date, or URL.
Wisesub - Translation of text and subtitles in one click on Netflix, Prime video, YouTube, TED, Amediateka, Vimeo, Coursera!
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