Stream Recorder插件,是一款非常适合用于录制直播的屏幕录制工具,录制完成后,还可以直接将视频以mp4的格式下载保存到本地,十分方便。The most popular downloader for Http Live Streaming(HLS)
Reproductor M3U8/MPD nativo, reproducir Url HLS y DASH en tu navegador
Allow the browser to play HLS video urls (m3u8) 'natively'
Play HLS urls in-browser
HTTP Live Stream downloader
检测并下载多线程的M3U8 HLS流(HTTP实时流)到你的本地磁盘
Vk saver Скачивает mpg4, flv, m3u8, hls. видео из vk.com
Play HLS urls in-browser
Download fragmented media files with HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) downloader.
Allow the browser to play HLS (m3u8) or MPEG-Dash (mpd) video urls 'natively'
Extension is looking for HLS and DASH videos
Downloads Adobe HDS and HLS fragmented videos to computer
HLS Player - m3u8 HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) Player
Play HLS .m3u8 TOTV Player for .m3u8, .m3u, .flv
Grabs m3u8 webRequests from visited web pages and provides options for openning them.
It opens a new tab on a video player
HTTP Live Stream downloader
Extension allows browser to play HLS videos inside webpage using hls.js library (https://github.com/video-dev/hls.js/)
Oui9, hls, m3u8, online tv, m3u, flv, Player m3u8 hls player, hls m3u8, hls extentio
Play HLS url in-browser
View HLS m3u8, MPEG Dash, and SMIL manifests in Chrome with syntax highlighting.
This extension resolves CORS request blocking errors, allowing you to watch HLS videos (m3u8 / ts)
View all manifest retrieved by chrome, and filter by tab.
Playback of ABR streams (HLS, MPEG-DASH and Smooth Streaming) in your Chrome browser
Retrieves the HLS URL from live Youtube streams.
View HLS (m3u8) or MPEG-DASH (mpd) manifest files with syntax highlighting in your Chrome browser.
HTTP Live Stream downloader
基于 hls.js 的虎牙HTML5播放器
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