Import friends birthdays from facebook to your favorite calendar.
Daily Facts : Get Daily Facts about Historical Events, Birthdays, Deaths
Earn Bitcoin by watching videos. Instant withdrawals and no minimum withdrawal.
Track days until or since life events like Birthdays easily.
Automated birthday wishes on Facebook
Mass connect, mass withdraw invitation and mass view profile on LinkedIn with powerful options.
Ethereum GethDesk - is a web based application for ethereum Geth Go console client interaction and current condition status.
This extension calculates your age from birthday date, month and year.
This extension lets you export the birthdays from social website in a CSV.
LEVERAGE your friends birthday to get leads and sales with just a click!!!
Count the number of days for major life events like Birthdays easily in your new tabs


Easily create your birthday wishlist, baby registry, wedding registry, christmas wishlist!
BIRTHDAY Marketing - keep leads hot and relationships fresh
This extension will help you remember all your friends' birthdays. Now with Facebook support!
Calculate your exact age to each day, hour, minute, second. Counting the number of days remaining to your birthday
A Chrome Extension to automatically wish your Facebook friends on their birthdays
The Happy Birthday extension will post a custom Happy Birthday message for you on your friend’s walls on their birthdays.
Cashware provides interface from chrome software to supported external hardware, thus allowing deposits and withdraws to TCR devices
Extra tools for linkedin.com: Auto invite to group, Accept invitations, Withdraw sent invitations, Bulk inbox actions and more
Happy Birthday messages on the web
Event Countdown Timer is a simple reminder app for any important event such as birthdays, anniversaries, or any other event.
Know your exact age in many format like year, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds times since your birthday
Tool to scrape your friends birthdays on Facebook
LEVERAGE your friends birthday to get leads and sales with just a click!!!
Automatically post on friends' birthdays to reconnect, generate leads, and make passive sales to forgotten contacts.
Leverage Your Friends Birthday to Re-Connect With New & Existing Leads & Start Conversations To Promote Your Products & Services!
In honor of the birthday of Jackie Chan. Let Jackie will be everywhere!
This extension inject js
Auto Happy Birthday tool for Facebook
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