An easy-to-use tab reloader with custom reloading time for individual tabs and more!
Live preview of CSS/Less/Sass code changes. Auto-save file, autocomplete, Less/Sass to CSS, beautify, CSS reloader, lint, ...
This extension reloads the current tab at a chosen interval.
Reload all unpacked extensions using the extension's toolbar button or by browsing to "http://reload.extensions"
CSS Reloader is a browser extension which allows developers to reload CSS without reloading the page itself.
Easy Auto Reloader is the best extension to refresh on a timer
A simple per-tab automatic page refresher/reloader.
Set the time you want the application to automatically reload your website
Reload crashed Chrome tabs (Aw, snap) intended for digital signage. Source code is MIT licensed (https://github.com/bizplay/snapper)
Clear the browser's cache and do a hard reload with a single click
This extension allows you to reload images which failed to load just in one click
Данное расширение автоматически перезагружает страницу с указанным интервалом
super preloader
Automatically reloads the current tab as needed.
JS (JavaScript) Reloader is a browser extension, that allows you to reload JavaScript without reloading the page itself.
Refresh matching tab(s) after a period of inactivity.
Refresh your tabs, without all those annoying features
Reload all development extensions on each page refresh.
Reload tabs in current window
CSS Reloader is a browser extension, that allows you to reload CSS without reloading the page itself.
(Windows only) Monitor files on your hard disk and reload pages automatically
Auto reload a tab every 30 seconds to keep your session alive while you are AFK
This extension will reload the web outlook (https://outlook.office.com/owa/) periodically.
This extension will reload current browser tab after message from node.js
Whenever you (non-premium user) get banned from niconico live streaming for too many viewers, reloads the page and be happy.
This extension adds the possibility to reload any page by pulling the page down on any touch device.
Preload every same-domain URL when you hover or click on a link. Beta version, very experimental. For fun only.
preload the next page of a webcomic for faster archive binging
Updating tabs by time.
Reload a displayed tab at interval that you input. The reload feature works while a popup opens. This extension will be helpful…
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