Improving Steam. Items auto-selling. Lowest prices for games and items. Prices from different sources. And a lot more
Dedicated API for fetching the float value, paint seed, and screenshots of CS:GO items on the Steam Market or Inventories
Reinvent Chrome Startpage with Infinite. Power up the new tab with Apps, Messengers, Games, Google & Apple Services
Automatically get the lowest price on whatever you’re buying.
Learn Piano like Simon Says! Visualize the color of sound to improve memory recognition. Learn scales, chords, inversions & more!
Free stock counter for Amazon sellers with unlimited daily product checks. This extension will show the inventory counts for the…
Be invisible on WhatsApp™ Web by disabling read receipts and presence updates
Group Invite All is extension which used to add all your friends in facebook group by single click.
Inverted display mode for less eye strain in dark or dim lighting
Inverted display mode for less eye strain in dark or dim lighting
InVID WeVerify extension
Reports device information from enterprise-enrolled Chromebooks to FileWave inventory
Invite your FRIENDS and who liked your posts to like and follow your page! FREE & NO spam, NO ads, NO registration.
Accurate employee time tracking software for reporting, invoicing and payroll.
Invert the luminance of a website to make it easier on the eyes.
Thaison Technology Development Co., Ltd
Inverted display mode for less eye strain in dark or dim lighting
UK’s #1 trading and investing app*
Change or invert the color scheme according to the time of day.
Play the 4x and LF inverted YouTube. Currency conversion display the Amazon.
Stab the invaders with your orbital daggers, and dodge their blades!
Invert all colors on a page.
Curtin Intelligent Remote Invigilation System
Ajoute un boutton sur Youtube pour inverser l'ordre des playlists.
This extension is used for auto invigilation of recruitment tests attempted by candidates from remote locations. The tests are…
Converts AliExpress order details into an invoice ready to print
Invoice Quick. Generate unlimited FREE professional invoices in record time without registration.
Space Invaders are already lined up in front of your fortifications. Prepare for a brutal attack against aliens.
Welcome to Manyland, an open universe we invent and live together!
Simple and lightweight Space Invaders Game written in JavaScript
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