EPO's bibliographic, worldwide legal status, full-text and image databases.
Recarga la páginas para utilizar el Acceso Remoto de la Bibliote Digital - UNAM
Ändert die Männliche ausdrucksform zu einer Weiblichen * z.b (Arbeiter zu Arbeiter*innen)
This chrome extension adds bibliographic information to arxiv.org, scraped from inspirehep.net.
An extension to help create bibliographies when researching online
BBN Biblischer Hörfunk
Select SEP in-line citation and get bibliography entry without disrupting your flow
This adds a shelflist card at the bottom of Destiny Library Manager's (DLM) bibliographic records Title Details tab.
Set a maximum document width and fade citations to improve readability of legal research websites.
Learn about possible bibliophiliac trivia behind the Wikipedia links of your surfed web pages.
Rozszerzenie automatycznie zamieniające linki liblink.pl w wiadomościach Librus Synergia na docelowe adresy stron
MAD-TS Workslip adds a context menu link to print workslips in GetIt Acquisitions with the Bibliovation ILS.
Exporta a lista dos seus livros exibidos na sua biblioteca da Casa do Código para arquivo Excel.
Šis plėtinys atveria pažymėtą nuorodą į Šv. Raštą puslapiuose biblija.lt arba drbo.org.
Wyswietlaj wersety biblijne gdy otwierasz nowa karte
This app goal is to Weekly Biblical Encourage
APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago, IEEE bibliography and citation generator.
Go to the next or previous sibling of the current bookmark.
Search the your University Catalogue at any moment without leaving your current page!
View an author's books directly on her Twitter profile page
Family members of popular celebrity: mother, father, siblings, wife, girlfriend, kids
Toggle visiblity of Youtube video titles
Helper for printing in Biblionix Apollo
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