Use our Web Clipper to save any website into Notion.
Save links to your Notion databases
Boost Notion productivity with 20+ customizations like outline,small text full width for all,back to top button etc
Universal open source web clipper for Notion,OneNote,Joplin,Yuque,Bear,Github and more notes.
高效管理 Notion 的颜色文字与注解。
Open share links in the your desktop app.
Insert draw.io diagrams in Notion pages and edit them
an enhancer/customiser for the all-in-one productivity workspace notion.so
Zorbi makes studying easier and faster through flashcards that predict when you're going to forget them. Learn more about Zorbi at…
Converts a Notion page into interactive presentation slides.
Make your Notion pretty with custom themes.
A Browser Extension that enhances Notion experience.
Redesign Notion the way you want
All your Google Docs, Notion pages and other work documents, right in your new tab.
An extension to add RTL support for https://notion.so
Evergreen Notes for notion
Notion Pro Clipper lets you add webpages, emails, screenshots and images to your Notion workspace.
Have a better notion.so experience, less transitions and responsiveness
Give your Notion Account Super Powers
Add a Chronometer to your Notion Database Page
Send highlights to Notion.
Universal open source web clipper for Notion,OneNote,Joplin,Yuque,Bear,Github and more notes.
This extension allows to click to add any image or website to your MIND in notion, and forget about everything else.
Export Kindle Highlights and clippings to Notion easily.
将您与 AIChat 的讨论直接保存到 Notion 中!
Create Slide Show Presentations in Notion!
Paste Notion Block URLs as a Global Block URL
Hide Notion widget border
Tweaks for Notion
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