Identify web technologies
A wallet for Sky Mavis's Ronin sidechain
Listen to docs, articles, PDFs, email — anything you read — with our leading text-to-speech reader.
Breakout Rooms for Meet by Robert Hudek hudektech.com
Select and Speak uses iSpeech's human-quality text-to-speech (TTS) to read any selected text in the browser. It includes many…
A companion extension to uBlock Origin: to gain ability to foil early hostile anti-user mechanisms working around content blockers.
Find out what the website you are visiting is built with using this extension.
Listen to any email, webpage, google doc, PDF and kindle book! AI powered smart voice reader, with natural voices.
LearnPlatform for Students provides school administrators an easy way to measure student engagement with EdTech products.
Plus ajoute des résultats complémentaires à vos recherches pour vous aider à trouver ce que vous cherchez. Ces résultats peuvent…
Hover, click or select to translate (with text-to-speech). Translator.
Typing with your voice and speech recognition. Simple and functional notepad.
Translate words and phrases while browsing the web, using Google Translate.
3D Viewer from 20-20 Technologies Inc
Podcastle converts text news/articles to a podcast, with very natural human speech using machine learning.
Speech to text on any web site and in Windows and Linux applications
Brutal mercenary warfare, bleeding-edge technology, no holds barred.
Want to listen to text being read out to you?
Encontre os melhores preços, descontos e cupons de forma simples e descomplicada!
An easy to use speech synthesis and recognition tool for your browser!
Lilo est le moteur de recherche français & solidaire qui vous permet de financer gratuitement des projets solidaires.
Automatic follow/unfollow/like with advanced filters, randomized timers, and more high-tech features.
Intelligent Speaker: smart reader, runs on leading tts engine. Convert files, blog posts & more to speech. Listen on any device
Text-to-speech for Web Content
Thaison Technology Development Co., Ltd
LeechBlock is a simple productivity tool designed to block those time-wasting sites that can suck the life out of your working day.
Read out loud any page, directly from within the page
Users of Techloq Parental Control Software can easily login/logout of their personal Techloq filter profile and request filter…
Google Meet Auto Admit by smashciotechky
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