Add this app to your Chrome browser and replace all instances of "Trump" with "Drumpf."
Shorten URLs with your own YOURLS instance
Display full name instead of UserId for SAP GitHub Enterprise instance & perform auto login via IDP if logged out
Icinga Status is simple open source extension for Google Chrome™ that helps you watch over your Icinga or Nagios instance.
Replaces any instance of 'Java' with 'JavaScript'
Tool for VRChat. Show instances exist your friends.
Find and replace all instances of some word/name by another. Search Browser online tool for Chrome. Based on Trump blocker/filter.
Use your IAM role (from instance metadata) to open the AWS console.
Chrome extension for managing stubs within your Wiremock instance. For more details on Wiremock visit http://wiremock.org/
Network Activator extension for working with the dev instance of the Network Activator website
This extension lets you add the current tab or a note to your Shaarli instance.
Have fun replacing all instances of one word with another on pages you visit.
Warns you that you are in a production instance of Salesforce with a noticable yellow banner
Replaces instances of President Trump with “President” Trump (adds quotations)
Multi instances supported, Mastodon client.
Icinga Multi Status helps you monitoring all your Icinga instances with comfortable alert badges and notifications.
Use your Stackla Assets anywhere on the web. Drag and drop or download straight from your Stackla instance quickly and easily.
Monitor your icinga or nagios instance.
Removes instances of TN or Tennessee from most dropdown menus.
Share button for Mastodon instances
Replaces all instances of “billionaire” with “oligarch”.
This is the custom Switcher for AEM instances.
Connects your contentbird instance with your browser
This extension allows you to switch to the same page on a different ServiceNow instance based on the URL.
Add this app to your Chrome browser and replace all instances of "Spurs" with "S*t."
Freshly baked WP instances with pre-loaded WP.org plugins/themes
A simple extension that allows you to share your desktop in meetings with simplexions Jitsi Meet instance.
Replaces all instances of the word "Patriot" with the phrase "La-li-lu-le-lo", to simluate the effect of SOP nanomachines.
Turns words in human form and turns them into cat form. For instance, now and perfect become meow and purrfect.
Add links to your own WebCrate instance directly via the browser
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