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UltraBlock is a free cross-platform browser extension for filtering content, including ad blocking.
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Create online forms and surveys
Kami is an interactive learning platform empowering students and enhancing the way teachers teach, feedback, and assess.
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Perform everyday tasks related to PDF - merge, convert, download
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Securely edit, fax and sign PDF and Word documents for free. Fill forms. Merge documents and reorder pages. Create templates.
Fast, one-click access to millions of research papers.
Makes JSON easy to read. Open source.
Tells the Google Analytics JavaScript not to send information to Google Analytics.
Internet-Start will replace your current search and transform the results for your search query into convenient format.
Essa extensão tem como objetivo fornecer um atalho ao usuário interessado em "Entrar no Gmail". Através dela, um botão (conforme…
Allows Google Workspace administrators to view laptop and desktop status, including OS, device, and user information.
Easily create mathematical equations, formulas and quizzes. Intuitively type or handwrite, with no tricky math code to learn.
The BioDigital Human is a 3D platform that simplifies the understanding of anatomy, disease and treatments. Explore the body in 3D!
Tab recording software. Dead simple. Free. No watermarks.
Easily edit, annotate, eSign and transform any PDF from Google Drive into a fillable PDF form.
Download videos from video web sites. Download HTML5 videos in WEBM and MP4 formats
Automatically create APA style, MLA format, and Harvard referencing style citations with our citation generator add-on for Chrome.
Email tracking, CRM for Gmail, and sales productivity tools in your inbox
Detect fonts used on web pages. Inspect font information.
Enables uberAgent to collect web app usage and performance data (e.g., foreground tab, page load duration) from Chrome.
Provides Form-Fill SSO capabilities when used with Identity Automation’s RapidIdentity product
Smart browsing history and tracking information cleaner.
Kiss the annoying "Video paused. Continue watching?" confirmation goodbye!
Manage sales and customer relationships directly inside Gmail.
Tab recording software. Dead simple. Free. No watermarks.
The #1 Converter tool that supports PDF, Word, Excel, PPT, JPG. Convert PDF to different formats and vice versa in one click.
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