Astro is PwC's executive concierge. Astro is ready to help run your day and enhance your productivity.
Display PHP errors & vars dumps in Google Chrome console and notification popups, execute PHP code remotely.
WebRank SEO provides Alexa Rank, Website Security, Server Location, Whois Lookup, Pages Indexed and Backlinks in Google & Bing
Notifies you in multiple ways to take breaks and helps you with eye exercises based on 20-20-20 rule and with lower back exercises.
Test if the current page is indexed by Google
Search for all pages for this site that are indexed by Google
Test if the URL is indexed by Google
Chrome screen sharing extension for the ConexED platform
Adds options to Search Images on `Unsplash` , `Creative Commons`, `Pinterest`, `Pexels` and `PixaBay` in the context menu.
This extension allows JavaScript execution only for trusted domains of your choice.
Write and execute ES6/ES2015 within DevTools!
Used to run script on page to get results


Sumon is so much more than just a game. Besides having fun, you can exercise your mind as you find the right sum.


Open a new tab, get inspired by a beautiful photo and easily access your favorite websites.
This extension allows JavaScript, Flash, Silverlight, and Java execution only for trusted domains of your choice.
Displays the PageRank of open page with icon and badge. Quick access to Alexa, backlinks and indexed pages in the popup.
Exempt your favorite channels from adblocking.
Executes a system-level command to shut down, hibernate or standby your operating system when all downloads are finished
Typing Master It provides over 10 hours of customized exercises to guide you step by step to professional keyboarding
Adds options to Search Images on `Unsplash` , `Creative Commons`, `Pinterest`, `Pexels` and `PixaBay` in the context menu.
Progress Telerik Test Studio extension enables recording and executions of web tests within web browser.
Extract SOQL queries with their execution counts from Debug Logs of Salesforce. Helps you analyze the 'Too Many SOQLs' error.
Become happier and more successful with the most effective exercises from positive psychology.
Listen to the magic beat, follow the rhythm and use your musical reflexes to guide the ball from tiles to tiles. Touch,
On MSDN, Stack Overflow and Gist sites you can execute and customize any code sample, without leaving the page. On any other…
Progress® Test Studio® & Testing Framework Tests Chrome Execution Extension
See if a page will be indexed in Search Engines based on the HTTP response code, noindex, canonical and pagination tags.
Hint execution of your bookmarklets
FizzD Youtube Video Summarizer and Indexer. If you have any trouble email us at plugins@streamingo.ai
Capture AJAX requests done in browser. Generate JQuery code to replay such requests. Execute AJAX and see results.
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