This extension sets your search engine to Ecosia and customizes your new tab page so you can plant trees with every search.
Suosittu ja yksi parhaista Video Downloaderista verkkokaupassa. Tallentaa suosittuja mediamuotoja.
A Web Developer\Designer ruler to get perfect pixel dimensions and positioning to measure elements on any web page. 💻
Draw a ruler to get pixel dimensions and positioning, and measure elements on any web page.
With the AMZScout Pro extension choosing your next Amazon product is easy. Just follow the data.
Opposing Viewpoints In Context
Make notes on any web page, any position.
It can make the sub-directories and files of github repository as zip and download it
Accidentally closed your last tab? Tired of losing tabs in Incognito? Don't worry, everything is possible with this sexy extension!
Tab Position Options
Prevent closing of Google Chrome with the last tab, the least intrusive way.
A simple calculator that remembers your last calculation. You can close it at any time and reopen it without losing your work.
Analyze chess positions from any website, book, and video in Chrome
Position a ruler on the webpage to measure elements in pixels
Opposing Viewpoints In Context
keeps chrome from closing when the last tab is closed by creating a pinned tab when there is one tab left.
Monitor boat position & call virtual sailor weather router
Tool extension that enables effective window positioning/placement in multi-monitor setups
Adds a mouse position tooltip, with its x and y coordinates. Also measures areas of regions.
FREE Resizing.app service allows you to resize your images, optimize them without losing quality, and convert to JPEG, PNG, or WebP.
A Dark-mode extension for ecosia
Thin Scroll Bar to increase screen space for little more visibility. It is thin to show current position on the document
Customize tab opening position and closing behavior.
MeasureIt is useful app for measurement dimensions and positioning of element on webpage. Measure it in pixels.
Enter text into input fields by choosing items from the context menu or using the optional autocomplete.
Waze Map Editor script that creates a link to the current position in Google Maps™.
Do you know how your position look for different cities?
Automatically adds repository size to GitHub's repository summary
Algorand Wallet Extension | Send & Receive ALGOs | Sign dApp Transactions
timezones of your choosing in every new tab screen.
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